Tuesday, October 21, 2008

just blah...

Dont really know how to start this one.... I went to the "female" doc yesterday and wasnt the best visit.... i havent ever really considered myself to have anxiety or panic attacks but a few months back (around mothers day) i noticed uncontrolable emotional "episodes" and recenty more frequently. The thing is since we have moved in the last 18 months i have been happier than ever before with my husband, how our marriage is, my wonderful boys.. but i just cant seem to get a grip on my emotions so in the process of gettin an annual done (which was wayyyy over due) i havent been since march of 07 because i got bad news then and didnt have insurance when we moved i have just put it off. I wake up monday morning in horrible pain and decided i couldnt stand it any longer so after an all day search for a doc that would see me that day i finally get to the doc and start in with family history...etc...etc... then she asked about emotional issues since i hadnt had my cycle in 18 months ( which by the way it never crossed my mind that it could be the reason for my emotionalist) need less to say as im cryin in the doc office she decides that i need some help tryin to balance my emotions, and chemicals so i have started some new meds and feel like im walking around in a haze... the doc said meds shouldnt "kick" in for a few days... just still feelin a little unlike myself hoping meds will help... guess we'll see.

In addition to all my news: We got news that my husbands gma is in the hospital agian so if you pray please pray that she'll continute to get strong enough to go home this weekend..

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Girl you know I love ya. Things will get better I swear. I agree w/ your doc...give the meds a few days. They WILL help. And again I'm so sorry to hear about Cody's g-ma. I love you guys and if there is anything you need let me know.