Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Monday

So today is Monday, since i have started working M-F i now hate mondays:) not really i just had a long weekend full of lots of busy things and wasnt really ready to get up this morning and go to work... but it turned out pretty well i made 78 dollars this morning and i got off at 3 so not bad for 4 hours of work :) and now its time for reading, spelling and dinner soon... MONDAY, MONDAY....this song has been in my head all day lol....i think it just might be a wine drinking evening as well, OH and on a brighter note my husband and i started dating 12 years ago today and thats just CRAZY i dont feel old enough to have been in a relationship for 12 years but i can truely say i love him more with every day. Just like everyone else we've had our issues but i think i have finally learned to appericate him instead of expecting him to know what i want and need... it only took 12 yrs lol i hope we make it 60 more :)

1 comment:

Jaime said...

12 years! Holy shit your old!